Sporeprints Instructions

The Spore Print offers a traditional method for cultivating your own Magic Mushroom cultures. While modern alternatives like culture ampoules provide a more contamination-resistant option, spore prints represent a classic approach that many enthusiasts prefer for their authenticity and hands-on experience. Each spore print contains millions of potential spores, ready to be cultivated into a thriving mycelium network. Embark on an enriching journey of growth and discovery. Below, we outline five straightforward steps to begin your adventure with spore prints.

Step 1: Preparing the petri dish

Start with a sterile petri dish filled with an agar solution. You can make this yourself or buy it pre-made. Ensure that the dishes are opened under sterile conditions to prevent contamination.

Step 2: Adding spores

Use a sterile syringe to extract the spore fluid from the vial. If you are using a spore print, gently scrape some spores off the glass. Let the spores fall onto the agar base in the petri dish.

Step 3: Incubating

Close the petri dish and store it in a suitable place where the spores can grow into mycelium in peace. This process can take several days to weeks, depending on the conditions and the type of fungus.

Step 4: Purify mycelium

Once the mycelium has grown well and covers the petri dish completely or largely, prepare for purifying. Do this by selecting a piece of healthy, fully grown mycelium.

Step 5: Cutting mycelium

With a sterile scalpel, cut out a piece of mycelium about 6 by 6 mm. This piece will be used to start a new, clean culture.

Step 6: Inoculating growth medium

Place the cut piece of mycelium on a new growth medium. This can be a new petri dish with agar, or another medium suitable for the further cultivation of the fungus. Ensure that this medium is also handled under sterile conditions.

– Petri dishes with agar solution
– Syringe or scalpel
– Vial with spore solution or spore print
– Sterile working environment

Repeat steps 4 to 6 until you have achieved even mycelium growth. With this clean culture, you can further propagate the mycelium or use it for other applications.

Note: It is essential to maintain sterile techniques throughout this process to prevent contamination and ensure the integrity of your mycelium culture. Wear suitable protective clothing, such as gloves and a lab coat, and work in a clean environment, ideally under a laminar flow hood.